01.宗門方/01 SHUMONKATA
04.正保3年重而宗門改五人組証文/04 KASANETE certificate of religious inquiry in GONIN-GUMI in Shouhou 3(113)
04.百姓/04 peasant(111)
31.欠落/31 elopement(152)
04.百姓/04 peasant(137)
36.病気/36 sick person(25)
04.百姓/04 peasant(14)
40.死骸改証文/40 certificate of autopsy(3087)
00.全体/00 all(34)
01.寺院/01 temple(1487)
04.百姓/04 peasant(1508)
55.召喚/55 summons(12)
02.諸資料/02 maerials
03.マレガ/03 Marega
01.研究/01 research(574)
01.メモ/01 memorandum(476)
02.文書/02 document(29)
01.書簡/01 letter(12)
03.資料管理/03 management of docments(1442)
01.メモ/01 memorandum(286)
08.封筒/08 envelope(337)
09.ツツミ紙/09 wrapper(281)
10.新聞/10 Newspaper(199)
12.紐/12 slip(186)